Shiv Charan Singh

Habits, Habitual Behaviours, and Spiritual Wisdom

Habits, habitual behaviors, and spiritual wisdom are discussed in this episode. We are creatures of habit. Building new habits and destroying our old ones is an essential process in transformation and change. In this episode, Shiv Charan Singh shares his wisdom on habits, habitual behaviors, habit energy, spiritual traps, and enlightening lessons as we speak around and about the processes that help build or form habits and break unwanted habits.

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CREATURES OF HABIT (Building new ones and destroying the old)


Shiv Singh


[00:00:00] Guest: Hey,

[00:00:03] Host: how are you? Welcome to today? Dream of podcasts, where I, Michael, your hosts, invite guests on to explore conversational space in order to develop our practice of presence, integrating, dreaming, and doing into being in order to participate in the blossoming of the emergent world story. Today's guest is Schiv

[00:00:37] Charan Singh. I'm going to give you a bit of information, just running through his bio here online, and then we're going to dive into things you can skip through to any part of the conversation if you're watching or engaging on YouTube. And if you're listening to the audio only version. You know, feel free to take it out in chunks.

[00:01:02] If you, you know, if you don't have the time to listen to it all at once, because the things that Shiv Charan scene shares in this conversation, I feel a really potent and profound and worth engaging with. And even listening back over, if you feel the need, sorry, an unassuming and authentic spiritual teacher shift, Taran Singh is Scottish by birth and is the founder or founding director of the international Khurram Korea school.

[00:01:39] Carrum Korea means total action through which our karma is brought to completion through application of spiritual consciousness guided by the intelligence of numbers, through the philosophy and practice of current. Chief Sharon Singh is deeply committed to guiding students in their spiritual growth so that they can bring spiritual awareness into their everyday lives and develop their full potential as human beings to become the best they can be in his youth.

[00:02:11] He had a number of nearly fatal incidences. These near death experiences gave him an intimate knowledge of the process of living and dying that we all seek to understand. And as an adolescent that he experienced full Kundalini, rising a term used to describe profound, spiritual awakening. And since his mid twenties, he began studying Kundalini yoga and Sikh Dharma we've Siri sing.

[00:02:38] So he Bala Sahib horror by John Singh. Khalsa uh, the religious leader and founder of Sikh Dharma in the. Following a degree in humanities and further training and counseling and therapeutic skills XIV Tarun seeing went on to become an outstanding spiritual counselor, working intensively and successfully with people having drug habits and severe emotional problems.

[00:03:05] He continues to offer profoundly transformative individual and couples counseling. And he's been working internationally with groups for over 30 years. He's author of several books, and he continues to develop and evolve the spiritual science of Carrum, Korea, neither self-seeking or political in his teachings.

[00:03:28] He's entertaining and both charismatic and humble in the way he speaks above all his warmth and compassion have generated a community spirit at the school, which reaches out to the community regardless of age and background and attracts people from all over the world. I originally heard about shift Sharon sings.

[00:03:48] Through, uh, the life as a festival podcast, as I was driving into the forest one day and yeah, it was profoundly powerful to hear such truth. Sorry. I just felt immediately, like I needed to, or that I, that I, that I felt compelled to reach out and getting touch. So I did, and we had a conversation and I'm still finding it, very useful this conversation myself in my life.

[00:04:20] So the conversation dances around habits, and then we explore anchoring in anchoring in yeah. Or finding or tapping into our inner anchor and put it that way. So, yeah, let's get into this conversation, uh, before we do move into things, though, I'd like to invite you to have a breath with that. As we always do on the show, a moment of pause, a moment of stillness amongst the chaos of our lives and drop into kind of a shared space a little bit deeper together now before moving into the conversation.

[00:04:58] So I'd just like to invite you to find a comfortable position. It can be wherever you are at the moment, or you can find a seat on the floor on a chair can even lay down if it feels right. And when you're ready, bring your eyelids to a gentle close,

[00:05:22] take one, be inhaling and exhale out into the nose, deep into the belly

[00:05:34] and release.

[00:05:41] Well, let's do that again, but this time, see if you can make your inhale as slow as naturally possible.

[00:05:52] Whenever it is that you reach the peak, take your time with it. And just pause there for a moment. Feel into that space before exhaling, just as gracefully on the way out, pausing at the bottom.

[00:06:39] Guest: I'm just saying, I might find as much wisdom listening to my neighbor. And as soon as somebody who's got some big CV or check record and something. So, um, so I, I don't mean it's especially not something about me, especially, but circumstances have come together for this convening session. And I trust that moment and what is to be shared as to the share.

[00:07:10] So asking that traps, um, right. But it isn't data. That question that stopped. Um, and perhaps if we think about what the challenges are, uh, then we can also see what the chop saw. If you think about what, what are we trying to achieve? Then we might also through the traps and context of that. So it needs a little bit of a context to make sense because if, uh, and my idea is simply to survive on, there's not too many traps in it, and you're going to survive as long as you're alive, when the restaurant is out, it runs out that's it.

[00:07:59] Then who cares about Trump's may have lived on good quality life of quality life, whatever, but your objective was just to survive as long as you couldn't then who cares about trips? So this is interesting actually, because if you think either to have an objective commodity stock on the job, so, uh, the trumps come in by very quickly can then set some target.

[00:08:29] Uh, how much do I have the, the idea that I can achieve. I sat with skull and this is definitely going to have those. I said, it's going to happen then I'm already in quite a big delusion because I had no idea all the courses, but I will have to cross on the way and whether I will be met with support and whether it's the climate, whether it's the stars, whether it's people around me and how many obstacles come on, the way my health interrupted.

[00:09:05] So, um, just even having, having a target as potential, most of it is potentially already set up for a lot of traps. So, um, I'm curious, uh, like think about traps, in fact,

[00:09:28] talking about

[00:09:32] why that stands out. That's a

[00:09:35] Host: good question. I suppose,

[00:09:40] certain things you've mentioned and I'm just remember feeling this way. I don't really remember the specifics off the top of my head right now, but you've mentioned a few kind of traps in some, your sp- speeches and talks and videos. And I remember recognizing those at some point, and I also feel like there's probably some that I don't see and that maybe, you know, you may have come across, whether in you on your own path, probably on your own path first, and then you may have seen it in, within other people's journeys.

[00:10:19] Just thought it would be an interesting kind of topic to go into and see what we could uncover. And maybe there would be something to help other people avoid. Um,

[00:10:30] Guest: unless.

[00:10:34] Sometimes even you see the blind spot and another person, a yourself.

[00:10:40] Host: That's interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well that, that recognition of the blind spot in another person brings the awareness towards it for you.

[00:10:52] Guest: We're willing to, I feel it. I feel prepared to go to package it tech valid to check. Now this, this is a chaplain itself.

[00:11:05] So how quickly we can see and how this, the problems and I'm alive and blind go there. Um, yeah, just ignoring something, uh, chasing the dream is not really going to happen. That's called might say, but are we prevented a look how quick we are the judge. All we go the other way around. You can even be obsessed by always looking at are always looking at fault.

[00:11:39] Oh, is it shim the most about yourself? Always putting yourself down it's um, shaming yourself in some way. So it becomes like substantively humility, but false humility. Um,

[00:11:57] I'm going to keep this topic, sir. Keep it as one with the trends through our conversation. It's not that I come into this room here. What up? Okay. I've got this list of traps.

[00:12:10] Host: Yeah. That's why I felt strange about asking it, but, um, Hmm.

[00:12:15] Guest: Really appreciate the topic. It's definitely relevant. So I'm going to hold onto that trend. Things will jump out along the way of my conversation. I'm not appreciating orientation that opening. So that is. Something that I can just, okay. Yeah,

[00:12:34] Host: of course.

[00:12:35] That makes sense. So just with where you were going with that you were kind of mentioning the ability to, you know, or the possibility of maybe over focusing outwards or inwards and not having a balance or not having the right amount of both or, or, or know, leaning too much in one direction rather than

[00:12:57] Guest: as well as checking what we want to achieve.

[00:13:02] Yeah. I'm the one I'm evaluating the situation. What's my measure for that evaluation. And I'm not my evaluating the according to the certain targets or objective and wine. So I want you to be busy with that. Just putting that, that also is not as much as something to go deep into at this point, but back to evaluate along the way.

[00:13:29] Yeah.

[00:13:31] Host: Yeah. Yeah. I, I guess I had some more questions around, um, self-inquiry in and around noticing, um, habits. So both around breaking habits that you do notice, and that just, you know, kind of difficult to break through, you know, it's this continual process and it seems to get easier as you go, but I just wanted to see if you had any thoughts or wisdom to share on that topic.

[00:14:06] And, um, also, so that the conscious habits and the unconscious ones, I was hoping to explore, finding the ones that we're not so aware of and, and having some reflection on those, you know, you already mentioned, you know, looking at others as a sense of him as a mirror in a sense, but maybe there's some otherwise.

[00:14:29] Guest: We can accept that I'm a creature of habit and come to terms with that. And the here's an example, just now using the social media, if you, you think that you're conscious about doing it then yeah. And then you see stuff on camera and then, oh, can I do that? And then you tend to get like, oh yes you do. And you know, you don't recommend, there's so many micro habits that we have here.

[00:15:03] Nevermind. That's big habits. We know I need to stop having three copies of staying in the morning. I notice I'm good. Some unhealthy, some very obvious habits that wait, something in our own conscience of talents, us and it to do something about that. That's the one thing we will come back on that.

[00:15:25] Excellent. So we just have to launch and we're creatures of habit, and those are micro habits and that's major habits, how it implies something as routine as well as to be cyclic coming around. So that gives us an insight to see the cycle of it. Then the question is I feel on change it. Where can I intervene?

[00:15:49] Well, as a point you can cut into, because there are many points that you might try to cut and it just doesn't work. I have this already in such a flow, like a snuggle act or something like that. There's a momentum in it. Then it's not going to work coming at that point. Eventually that habit, the false of the habit is stronger than the acid to interrupt it.

[00:16:13] Another thing is the habit has power, so it has a charging, right? It has energy. So if I am not. And invested with my faults, my energy and other things, then there's like a default. So that happens a little. So something that becomes automatic, it's not, um, I'm not in a way of doing that, but sooner or later, the habit is doing me.

[00:16:43] I become a slave to that habit. I'm subjected to that seemed like I'm doing it again. And another way when it's built up a set of momentum and it really has some perpetual, it's a self perpetuating self reproducing mechanism and is drawing sure from me from my leg energy. So this gives us a few tips. I could just see how it works and breaking it down and deconstructing the basic idea and the way you can just pose a number, what am I doing here?

[00:17:22] What do I achieve from it? How does it happen? What do I achieve or do I avoid through it? And just deconstructing through putting a lot of questions on it, but then you have to be willing to be quite brutally honest with yourself. When does it happen? What am I feeling before that habit starts? What do I feel during it?

[00:17:47] Or do I fill out? Who does gender have it? Is it me as a lover? Is it me as a father, as it nails habits I have as a teacher or habits I have as somebody, what role am I on? I'm in the habit. Some being willing to really x-ray the habit. Um, that's not comfortable resolve. The whole thing is going to bring consciousness and consciousness is already a big.

[00:18:20] Uh, I do that now. That is what I mean here by asking questions. Oh, and I'm a slow to that question before. I never, I never put that question to that, but something willing to ask myself different questions and I'm usual questions coming in from an angle and that takes training. And if you can learn to try and get stuff to come in from many boats to a situation, then you're going to get instantly you didn't help people.

[00:18:53] And then consciousness is the beginning. There's another kind of jam. This is the beginning of change. Now that I'm aware of, now that I have an insight into that situation that I didn't have before I have more motivation to there's something, it moves something into me that the kaleidoscope that I have on it has moved and I'm not getting insights.

[00:19:18] So. I haven't. So consciousness already is quite effective in making the change. Another thing is, uh, special reviews as needing the alternative, because if I don't have something else to do as my energy, my time occupy myself, I use an expression. And if I'm occupied, I'll be preoccupied. A lot of are semi-conscious or subconscious habits, the automatic ones that say they are like a background, preoccupation background, blurry background needs programming what's going on, but I'm not.

[00:20:03] So because I'm not consciously passionately occupied. If you have a habit to, um, it might be just. It's switching this every home and I got a little packet in your pocket, then you keep kind of leveling away. That's okay. But actually engaged in a really interesting process. Couple of people want to journey through the maps, actually three hours of paused.

[00:20:34] I need it once. Take the sweet, just a very elementary example, but I wasn't, I was sort of distracted. I attention to this son involved and absolved that, that shouldn't have it. Didn't go on. So I need to engage in suffering because isn't it something more interesting, more important, more valuable has more meaning.

[00:20:59] And it's so I don't know. It really is. So what you would do with the day, while you say it is so, but my, in my opinion, yeah, I wish, I think is that more? I might've actually the vitality as well. How much you really want it, or you don't have the discipline consciousness in a way. It has like everything like quaint, there's two sides.

[00:21:26] There's a side of which is just soft and the sense of, oh yeah. You know, it's not changing Susan and many times people will say that. I know. Uh, yeah. So this is soft side tending to be more passive and other side has to be a bit warrior, light, like, oh, it is that that's all. And like you have to initiate,

[00:21:56] come on. Cause if you don't know, things is going to do it for you, no angels are going to come from heaven. It going to come take a hand and whatever you have to be the one to kick you out of that, into this other momentum. Formation. I'm pretty sure I have it. So don't make that long. We make a distinction because I caught in my karmic habit.

[00:22:23] It's just a chain of action. Action. Action. Action. Because on, so, and I'm a slave to that in other words, addict comes from dictate. Yeah. I'm dictated by have I'm a servant to the habit and Dharma is as meaning a life of habit, but choose consciously. And that serves me, but is site Dharma's great vehicle.

[00:22:51] Some of the habits that I choose, I said very conscious and then not easy habits, actually, how we can put it in several ways. Um, I get up early in the morning when it's cozy, it's called that side. Cut up and take a call.

[00:23:11] or whatever I should stand and the culture. Some people love it, but most people don't, they're not going to find that easy, some setting up how this actually require each time, a little bit of investment, a little bit of a extra push and a way to get into that habit. Um, the habit, not to just go along with the crowd, whenever it is just socially drinking, but drinking similarly to it comes the fiction and the habits of say, I think it is not judgment without making other people wrong without saying, well, it's on, it's just not for me.

[00:23:46] Thank you. When all the social forces around you are calling on you, oh, come on. It does too. Like we do, whether it's drinking, whether it is fighting late at night, whatever it might be that, you know, the next day, whatever you that you couldn't help it. Well, I was just going along with the crap. There was so many ways.

[00:24:06] It was subject to social policies, whether it's coming through the media, whether it's coming through in the gangway, hung out with it, just, we're just subjected to so many falses and we don't know how to cook it. So it does need some kind of like, I have to slap this up. So that's what I mean, DeLorean side of I'm aware and no, it's that moment of hello?

[00:24:38] Wake up. You're going to do something about Google. I'm not, well, I don't know how actually done some shit.

[00:24:46] Host: It seems to be a weird balancing act within that as well of, of almost not taking on too much, but then taking on the right amount to actually be making some kind of a progress and then being okay with it, not happening overnight.

[00:25:03] Um,

[00:25:05] Guest: Absolutely because the one thing that stops us also, it, two things come to it, to my mind straight away is, um, shaming it, feeling guilty about it, judging myself for it. Um, that's, that's actually a trap in itself, right. Consciousness or something, and then feeling responsible and always my responsibility.

[00:25:32] Oh, it's all my fault. Is it? That's, that's not the meaning of I'm responsible. I'm responsible to make the chain number by trying to anybody if I need help. Okay. Then I'm responsible to ask about not to sit and wait, but so getting out of guilt and individually recognize this, that's all I have this habit recognize that this is not any longer, just in the highest quality of life.

[00:26:00] Good life could have a better quality for myself. And it's time to move on. Recognize that what most of our habits strategy born out of innocence on IVT or ignorance is not that I had some evil intention to set up this habit. So why I should put shame and guilt on myself. I do something that tranquilizers me, calming myself down is not a crime, but the ways that I do it might not be healthy.

[00:26:31] I do something to stimulate myself and that's what we do is sedate stimulates. Stomach stimulation is not a crime. Having getting the little kid come on, I need a little kick of the ways that I do. It might not be healthy for the ecosystem of my body, hormonal emotional itself. So I can upgrade, revise and redo that.

[00:26:54] But if I make the whole. I'm ashamed about during the sink that also applies, let's say I, this, the sizing myself as emotional pain of life, traumas, trails wounds, we have mental, emotional, physical. And so I need the size wanting to be painful. It is not a crime. We teach our children to do things which gives them pleasure and don't give them pain.

[00:27:22] So I grow up with the ideas. I don't avoid pain. Of course, what happens later in life is I'm avoiding pain that maybe pains that I need to face, that I need to process that I need to breathe through it. Nobody told me that there'll be a day when I'm going to have to flip that over and deal with it. So, but, but avoiding pain is also quite healthy and natural to a point like you said, of her balance.

[00:27:51] So don't make. To not want to feel pain. So what's behind what's deep inside. I have it. It's not criminal events, not criminal intentions that I'm living in. What used to serve me. I need to protect myself from forces of people around me. People's judgments, whatever. Some people get very protective and defensive and actually their own light bearings around being too.

[00:28:29] Cause if you're vulnerable, some of you come, defenses will protect it sooner or later, the suffocating it's now a prison. What was the difference has become oppressive or you can start to open that up so somewhere. Sure. The middle of the life, we didn't have to go through pretty big. At all. In what ways helping you on all that was over, we'd have actually becoming detrimental and life is not obvious and I'm not real.

[00:29:00] I think that I'm the whole thing has to turn in out. That's pretty big. And a lot of people just can't go that high as we live in are pushing us to a much more collected journey on that. We collectively need to go through this version, turned the world upside down 10 and understanding that.

[00:29:31] Yeah. Yeah.

[00:29:41] Host: Any thoughts on the habits that we can't see? The ones like, I dunno, I'll give you an example. Um,

[00:29:52] I recently came across a thought that like watching a, a movie, for example, a reading like a, a fiction book. It was almost like living someone else's life and going through the emotions on this kind of on this, you know, half of the emotion is it wasn't really my life. It wasn't really me feeling it when I was sad when someone died, it wasn't the true sadness.

[00:30:16] I would feel if someone that I knew had died, but, and that was almost NAMI me, but I'd never had thought about that in the past, in terms of watching a movie, I always thought that was, there would be nothing wrong with watching a movie. Everyone else watches movies, it's a movie and it's almost like a normal thing to do.

[00:30:35] So that's just one example of, of one habit that I've noticed. Maybe, maybe not a habit, maybe it is a habit, but it's just something that I do that, you know, maybe I don't want to spend so much time doing anymore. But I think a lot of the time

[00:30:51] Guest: I haven't been watching the movie, although I have it that your, uh, nervous system is kind of resonating getting into that movie is if it's a real life phenomena,

[00:31:03] Host: I just feel like now, and it might be different for everyone.

[00:31:06] But for me, I feel as though watching a movie movies is almost like a distraction from life. It's it's sometimes it's an intention one, but sometimes it's an unconscious one. And, um, I think looking like reflecting back I've, but there's also beautiful things about it as well. There's positives and negatives to watching a movie, for example, um, there's lessons to be learned within movies.

[00:31:34] And there's maybe some times it's nice to be in that, in that fairy land state, um, for a moment because it might be useful at that part of the. Part of our life. Well, um, but I think I I'm referring to the habit of watching a movie without consciously being aware that it might not be having the best effect on my psyche.

[00:31:59] And it being normalized in, you know, society is just seems to be all these little distractions from, but take us away from ourselves. I don't know if even that's the right way of putting it, take us away from the state of being, you know, pure sense. Seems like so many things to distractions in every direction.

[00:32:26] And then,

[00:32:27] Guest: Hmm. Why is it too much? Okay. The general idea of distraction movies uptake. So for several reasons that actually your whole life is. Really I'm sitting in my neighbor getting the machine to come and pick up the hall because he's got to be outside his septic tank, whatever that stuff is.

[00:32:52] Actually, I'm just watching a movie

[00:32:55] Host: that you're aware that you're doing it. You're not lost in it.

[00:32:59] Guest: That's the question of the hallway, watching something on the screen, watching something outside of her window, um, on my way or that I'm doing it, but then I'm in a car. I don't know how much of the journey from the, um, and I fished on the engine, started my car and arrived at the destination.

[00:33:20] How much of that journey was aware of how many green traffic lights to be pots

[00:33:27] Host: at times I arrive and I don't even it's like, how did I get here? I don't remember the last 20 minutes or so. Yeah.

[00:33:33] Guest: So there's a simple thing that's happening. This. In a multidimensional, oh my God. That's for good. That's that has limited crystal.

[00:33:43] They have. So the someone else come around and, um, there's distraction. I go to the shopping mall and I have the intention to buy such an item. And that could take me 30 minutes to the shop by the I get out. Oh. But actually three hours later, I'm still there wondering around looking at the shell window.

[00:34:05] Like, you know, that shell migraines that I don't need, um, spending money at a little casino. Um, oh, maybe I can go to the cinema because now in the shopping mall, even the sentiments that I was also getting to go out and watch that, and I'm coming out of that, something else lights up, emptied my pockets of the money and don't know where the time has passed more items that I don't need.

[00:34:29] How much it, any of that was I conscious and maybe I didn't even remember the original items that went into. I ended up talking to friends and I got phone calls and I was doing SMS messages and just everything around him. He's actually calling me to be the district. And there's something within my nature that hooks into that I'm taking prevail.

[00:34:51] Don't blame the shopping mall. No, I'm the fish and I'm, I'm the one who's getting onto the hook. So I need to the knowledge that,

[00:35:05] Host: could I pause you for a moment? There seems to be a sense of, um, you take the Hawk once and then it's easy to take it the second time. It's almost like this. Um, it's like exponential growth in that direction and it's like the time the tiniest steps matter if that makes sense.

[00:35:25] Um, like these tiny little movements or decisions.

[00:35:29] Guest: Well, if it's a lot of little things cumulating, it's also the fact that the. It's very exciting. First time, first time you take the drug, first time you have sex those times, because somebody, first time you take that coffee or take that whiskey or whatever.

[00:35:46] Oh yeah. But then now you're chasing that all your life chasing that unique experience and it doesn't come and that's it. Some people just have the addiction of falling in love with, because actually you're looking for that first time experience to fall in love again, fall in love again, because if you fall in love, when you're married, it's just like, oh, okay.

[00:36:08] This is a different momentum on here. This is not the same height that I got on it. First time I'm in love. So people are chasing this fingers. Yeah. Um, so we're chasing that high, uh, does a little steps, as you said, that, that the forces behind the substance or the, the object or the item that we're hurting.

[00:36:34] It's also penetrated deep from deeper and some high . Um, my situation is also anchoring in more and more to that item or that shopping habits or that doggy habits or whatever it is. So it's a true, I play, you know, if there was no something in me that hips are related to that it wouldn't happen if it was only me, but they well, the Rome, I didn't entertain your case into that.

[00:37:04] It also wouldn't happen. So it's a combination of what's happening in Madison. Um, I try myself also this habit of not making any of it wrong,

[00:37:20] Host: not sorry,

[00:37:22] Guest: making any of this wrong,

[00:37:25] Host: it's all a necessary part for wherever you are at that time.

[00:37:29] Guest: That's part of the deal that you then comment on. Yeah.

[00:37:34] Host: It's not, we're going to have to ride or

[00:37:38] Guest: get into this, play, this distraction, this moving out of self as more or less inevitable and necessary.

[00:37:47] It's a circuit that I have to make. I'm with self a child is born with it. We see it in a sentence, purity night, beauty and natural trust in this environment of simplicity. And we appreciate that. But just as a child, no, it has that actually, no, it's just in it merged in it. And then gradually the child figures out like, oh, what, what is it about me that that's so interested in and then started to use that she got most of the kids more attention and sort of said a little bit separate from itself.

[00:38:22] And I was creating this alter self, which is legit comes then maneuver an emotional layer and otherwise manipulate is. For entertainment or achievement or access to gamble, hugs, let's make these or attention, whatever it wants to get. And this simply perpetuates and perpetuates and we move more and more out into the drama and to the game of life we it's called Maya time is space.

[00:38:50] I call it the horizontality of life long literature

[00:38:54] Host: when you're, when you're on the, on the way out of that, when you're leaving that, um, I found it very, like it's a big struggle to just try to stop everything at once and just try to call Turkey yet. It seems like it, it just doesn't work. Um, and things creep back in, and it seems like you maybe need to take the same approach on the way out, gently, gently, and easily out.

[00:39:18] Is that,

[00:39:20] Guest: um, well, yes, I was saying the thing and the habits when you asked about I have this, we don't, we're not so aware of. You're welcome to have what you are aware of it. And what has that clear is there's more transparency and it's going to come by itself. Oh, okay. Now that another habit comes to life, meaning it comes into consciousness.

[00:39:45] Oh, okay. So this is, next is another, never assume the job is done. Then you work on work on what you're aware of, but it can happen. Sometimes we're moving out, we're moving out. I'm really can like the circle. There's a certain point at which naturally some pretty major events may even happen in the life for people that start to turn it around.

[00:40:10] Sometimes I shock a wake up call as a situation that really challenges you to say, okay, it's time to turn the. Um, and then some people get radical about it, but in many, many cases, as a burnout, people get into suddenly new age yoga meditation, or I'm very good now and I'm this and that. And you see them flying high for awhile and then it kind of fizzles out as well.

[00:40:35] So that's an indication that tells us that slowly, this is a long road Durham. And if my dad say it, it's a route of lifetimes and I to achieve in one night, there's so many, that's little subtle micro habits that we have. We don't even so unaware of that. They may on the surface.

[00:41:00] Host: Now, what do you mean by lifetimes?

[00:41:02] Um, I've got this idea in my mind that every time I hear it referenced in Buddhism and in other kinds of traditions, mainly Buddhism for, for me, I kind of, I've kind of thought of it as. Lifetimes within this lifetime, because I see, even if you look at something like karma, I can see the karma playing out from actions.

[00:41:27] And it's almost as if, if I look at old versions of myself or, or the exterior self, I can see that that's changed drastically, you know, even in a matter of years. So it seems as long as I've had a thousand lives, just from when I was born in this incarnation, but what did, what did you mean by lifetimes and how do you see that?

[00:41:47] Just, just to kind of change gears a little bit. I thought I might ask,

[00:41:54] Guest: I acknowledge what you're saying. Um, some macro and micro scenario, everything is played out one day. Everything is played out in one year. There's a natural cycles. I'm talking about a week, a month, but in the cycles of nature, the same phenomenon is played out out of a different times.

[00:42:16] And so in this life I realized I have habit to change it. Um, I can't change it yet, but now I, it, then I go to therapy or personal development book, workshop rated that this things, and that I'm more aware of it. Now I can say a little bit more coming from I've psychoanalyzed it. I think it's still not fully getting it to change it.

[00:42:42] Sometimes I can do a little bit. Then I, then I develop a lot kind of therapies cause the tools to change. Or now I have tools. I didn't know. There were tools and I'm applying the tools sometimes I'm most comfortable than before, but I'm not fully getting it yet. Um, it's it's like then yeah, I'm graduating, moving closer to the point where the hands that I happened to like say no today and I really got to the root of it to undergrad and I'm done.

[00:43:12] It's still. Still hanging around. still present in my psychic mind, my magnetic field. And so I, then I have a really bad day and it kind of comes to the rescue and it kicks in and it's got me again, all the work I've done. Wasn't panic. It has had a bad day at this, push it back out there because it's still not fully left or second.

[00:43:38] So you have to perpetuate the alternative habits and keep working because you can't only do the vacuum on, so you need to have complete the end. Otherwise it comes in that's what's happening on a bad day. You forget to do the good habits. If I'm depressed, something's going wrong on the leg. And this is leaving all happened like a little rambling sitting on the edge.

[00:44:03] It's not yet fully gone out, dissolved in the Cosmo. Saturday, just jumps right back in and can inhabit all the space academia. So there's a lot of work, so that not just accomplishing that and I'll come back to lifetimes. So this, this same thing is going on open many lives, literally meaning me as reincarnated entity, spirit, you might call it that and have this, this body that I pick up from the earth mother, mother earth, and other body.

[00:44:40] And I didn't have it when the figures gives a false kick, right. Four months, I didn't count the days they are the same. And this is the soul saying yes. And coming in, because before that happens, that viability of the pregnancy more fragile, the possibility of miscarriage, because the Psalm is not fully acknowledged.

[00:45:00] I'm a mother so much, I have to live with this fact pregnant. And so then comes this kick and the soul, the, the Sangamon I'm in, you're going to have this guy. And then this fetus develops and the rest, the lungs take another four months to mature. So that premature birth, unless the breathing, because I'm the breather and a human being can consciously breathe.

[00:45:25] I can't tell my dog inhale and exhale and hold the breath and whatever, but only here moving and do this. So I'm the reader. And if you have a premature birth before the lungs are mature, that please accept a child. That baby has to go on an incubator. It needs something to help him do his breathing for it.

[00:45:47] So the lungs develop enough, then the birth can happen and the breather comes in and takes over the breathing. It doesn't take much to do that well. So this is a spirit in the spirit, in the Italian or Latin bring in. Tend to breathe in literally men's ends theater, X fear. He has expired spirit has left.

[00:46:14] Yeah. So basically now I will say this just because the books say it just because, but texts, all that Sikh tradition says it invests scripture, uh, uh, or wherever that sources I'm open enough to speak about it. And I've done want to go into my personal examples, but I have very clear, uh, experiences and, um, awakenings and it's that constant.

[00:46:46] I recall how to apply the experience of looking down on my body, no memory of a previous funeral, um, being in battle the sentence sign. So to me that there's, I don't need evidence. I don't need some theory about that. It's just, I've seen that. I know. Um, I've been here before and I may the inner again. And so this cause and effect as a change to that goes away way and therapy.

[00:47:20] There's a tendency to look back into our chapter. I would say for causes spiritual wisdom does to look further back. This is not just about how your mama and Papa treated you when you got bullied in school. Not, uh, but not denouncing announcement that the power of its impact, but this goes way, way back, way, way back.

[00:47:44] And you can walk along this. Maybe you don't know how long I was surprised myself. A friend of affirm is a psychic, um, spends a lot of their time just talking to sprints and stuff. And she was saying, you know, I can take 400 lifetimes just to cultivate. Yeah, this is something, this is how big a buck. This has been going on.

[00:48:11] Long time you got to go on. So relax. Just take that step by step. Okay. What's next? Not what I should. This is another problem people get into and we got into the sprint. I should, it should work on that. I should be them. Hey, relax. Look in front of you. What can you do to that? Take care of that because if you take care of that, the ability to take care of anything else will become available to you.

[00:48:44] If you don't take care of it just once or five times a year, now, most of your houses keep a simple step by step. The big thing, there are big moments and events or situations that come, come about the. A radical shift. My father, one day he was smoking like a little packet of cigarettes today. And one morning, I remember clearly he was going to say that out second.

[00:49:16] And then something happened in him and he stood the whole thing apart, Hey God, what's happening here. I'm done with it cigarettes. And he's like for the next 10 years, anything happened later in his life. And it got more sitting in his arm check, which a cup of pipe. And then once a day it would have a pipe that I said it was almost like,

[00:49:47] Host: yeah, this, this, this one of the things you mentioned about, uh, going into just the, a small thing that comes into your heart or mind is. That you just, you know, a small, different, incremental change in your life. Sometimes it seems that we can be lost. You know, I know, I feel like this, I feel lost sometimes.

[00:50:10] And

[00:50:14] even though I've just recently learned not to be in such a rush and just to kind of relax into things and, and realize that, you know, things are kind of unfolding as they, as they may. And if I focus on this present moment, then the next moment will be a beautiful one. And just to kind of relax into it, even that's a habit in itself and maybe some sort of a trap, but, um, besides the era of just feeling like I need to know what's next, or even like the way the feeling, uh, as time passes through.

[00:50:47] Sometimes it has different flavors. It has different kind of, um, there's a spectrum of feelings. And sometimes I don't like what it feels like. It's almost like a signal that these bleed into each other in a way that feels uncomfortable and not, I could just, it doesn't feel like I'm on, on, on track and I feel a little bit lost in those moments.

[00:51:08] And I think what you shared just then about coming back into a small thing that I can do, maybe just sitting for a while and allowing nothing to happen, just allow it just to kind of be and allow something to arise. And I dunno, this is kind of what, what comes to mind.

[00:51:30] Guest: That's remember how it is not the problem.

[00:51:34] We are creatures of habit. And if you're trying to not have habit, it's a habit, a habit. Yeah.

[00:51:46] So it's almost

[00:51:46] Host: like moving, like working with it rather than trying to get rid of it and working through whatever you're experiencing

[00:51:55] Guest: a separate thing. That's particular habits that you may be working with, evolving at upgrading at the,

[00:52:01] Host: I think I'm talking about the lodge, a habit of just, you know, these patterns that you see within your life rather than specific smoking or drinking, but the larger, like what patterning of the way you work as a person,

[00:52:15] Guest: uh, life was also cycled.

[00:52:16] So nature has cycles, Solange and patterns. Also just generally, especially with cycles. If you study anthropology, no sign up for this offer. As an example of seven year cycles about the souls maturing and evolving through the life of seven years and some yoga traditions also refer to that, um, the cycle in your astrology, when a planet comes back round and astrological.

[00:52:43] Life has cycles. So the idea of cycles and patterns is natural. There are patterns in nature, there's patterns all over the place. So we are creating it, not to make any of it again, wrong, or a problem that I want to upgrade the quality of my relationship with patterns. And when cycles that I'd like to harmonize my life patterns and cycles with natural life passes in cycles, being in nature is a very healthy thing because actually you turn in to the sense of rhythm and cycle.

[00:53:20] And so that's one thing to say. Okay. So let's, let's say that

[00:53:26] Host: what comes to mind just, just before you continue, is this idea of maybe journaling and capturing kind of instances of ways of thinking. You know, it kind of recognizing these patterns or these cycles. And so that next time they come around, you can harmonize a little bit easier.

[00:53:44] Guest: Absolutely. There'll be many times in life when you're going to have some kind of like, oh, oh, this is the same thing. Like the spiral up the mountain, the mountain. And um, some people want to do the fast track and get up the cliff one in millions, do that and money flows and try to go up too steep. So I'm going to go around.

[00:54:05] So they slowly up the mountain. Of course we are not back. Oh, I'm getting that same view again. Oh, I'm at the same. Yeah. But same but different. Okay. You hear a camp? Is that something different? Also some looking at that was same as different as you go around in those cycles. Journaling is a very good practice.

[00:54:25] Right? Good. Self-reflection and what you're calling that just a mirror and definitely it's. I want to come to another thing, Michael, who is having these different flavors of time boxing,

[00:54:46] Host: it's something I thought about yesterday. Actually, this idea of not being kind of identified with the actor and just allowing, is that what you mean?

[00:54:54] Because that's what comes to mind,

[00:54:59] Guest: but who's lost.

[00:55:02] Host: My Michael is lost

[00:55:05] Guest: Michael who's. My

[00:55:10] Host: Michael was this actor in this, in this movie.

[00:55:13] Guest: That's it really that's a nine given and you identify with that. Okay. Well the act, but an act as still got somebody, let's say so-and-so Mr. A. Acts in one movie and becomes the murderous and then literally checks on the stage and another theater play.

[00:55:36] And she's somebody's daughter, but behind the actor, actress is always being no busy, not wanting to, if I with Michael, cause you want to be authentic and you recognize Michael was just an actor across Jim . Yeah. It's interesting that your habit is your costume. Your habit is your actor. Let's say two things.

[00:56:03] Yeah. If we're trying to avoid being the actor and just identify it better be in a monastery, it doesn't matter whether it's a Christian doesn't matter because you're not going to function. And that everyday time is space.

[00:56:18] Host: Seems like you need to have one foot in both camps though at the same time,

[00:56:23] Guest: but the other campus.

[00:56:26] Honestly, it's not that some building some jungles that this is the real monster on the outside of somebody whose father somebody whose husband, but I'm somebody whose neighbor, brother,

[00:56:40] Host: that's an issue I'm having at the moment. Pretty deeply. This idea of just, yeah, that exactly what you highlighted, but, but having a foot in both camps, like, like sometimes I dream of being in a monastery to be honest, but, um, but I am, you know, somebody's son and somebody's father and some of these people's friends and so on.

[00:57:03] So it's, it's, it's, it's kind of like, this is, there's like a friction point there for me in my life.

[00:57:14] Guest: Let's go to the beam then maybe you have another chunk for that. Can you let me know who is the one who put some tickets? Oh is my neighbor. Okay. Hold on, Pedro. They put on the Michael question. I knew play the play, but I want to know who you like.

[00:57:38] Do you have a sense of that? Do you have a name for that idea, that experience of that somehow you have to anchor to that because then you don't get to that. We, when we don't do that, then what, what to the outside or two feats in the, in the world of the shopping bone and the social again, and okay. We see that as critical.

[00:58:03] We see that as again, we see that it's shallow. We want to pull back. I want to go and retreat the, and go and run it on my best trip. I want to just stay at or whatever, but then sooner or later you would find out what this is also a bit selfish and a bit isolated. It should be learning something and authentic also.

[00:58:22] Yeah. I go on the road, look at the statues, but often you'll see left-hand as in a central line, whether it's in the lab, all just move it up here at the heart. And the left hand is adjusted to the wall. Rather, it's holding some light to the law, whether it's a, on your gesture, whatever left hand is to the heart of the center, this is the monastery and the right hand.

[00:58:51] Isn't the most common. Some people are left-handed, but the most common is hello, everybody shake hands right hand is the right. How do we engage in the world and laptop? They don't have to be in conflict with each other. They can be interrelated that the being and the monastery as communicating through the actor and the actor is acknowledging

[00:59:14] Host: the being.

[00:59:15] I just feel like the, the monastery is a great place to. Oh, I'm a stabilize or solidify this breaking of habits or at least like, you know, it seems like a, uh, a nice way to cement something even. Yeah. That's, that's what kind of comes to mind. Um, but I see what you're saying. I definitely see like, you need to be, um, both or not need, but being both is where it's at.

[00:59:45] It's a

[00:59:45] Guest: level of mature. I feel we've done lifetimes of, you know, in the old days in Europe, um, family would have want to have straight sons. They say it's an old saying, I think in Portuguese, one for the marketplace, uh, one for the military and one for the mountain street like that. One does your press for you.

[01:00:08] One does business and one goes to walk to defend the country, whatever, and we've spent lifetimes. Experiencing the monastic life going out to battle and developing the L'Oreal consciousness and Durham trade in the marketplace of Maya in order to have success and buy goods exchange and lifetime after lifetime, it should have occurred to us that perhaps we can integrate this, but it doesn't have to be one or the other.

[01:00:40] So in this lifetime we learn through these cycles. Okay. I need time. I go to the most shave. I do workshop. I do whatever I take my time then. Oh, back to the log again. And it's still a little bit like a little bit, either stripped it's fun answers, but surely it's real time. I want to be able to learn the something in me, keeps his hand on my heart while I'm out there engaging with the love and reviews to her intubated and.

[01:01:13] And then it's not either all types of there's time for that, but it's fully engaged at all levels that I'm communicating this actor on the stage. Yeah, that's fine. I have to shift trying to sing. Yes, I'm a teacher, I guess there's this all my big CV, whatever, whatever. Uh, then sitting here quietly saying, oh, this is an interesting thing.

[01:01:37] And that is completely transparent. And that I live at lightness. I can put all the passion into it at the same time. It's nothing and canvas. This has happened to the same time. Hi, I'm suggesting to you, this is personal Michael, that you within view, this is not enough and not stable enough. Definitely.

[01:02:02] You go into the world. Oh, I've lost. Oh, went back. I'm out of shape. And the problem is we can hang out in the mountain street. And so. I'm Justin, but what we're not learning about that. I don't teach Sarah as to crystallize that it'd become diamond solid so that when you go out in the world that doesn't dissolve again.

[01:02:28] And that's, what does a cyclic habit pattern of? I need to reshape I graduate, oh, I need to retreat because anchoring, you figured out Michael's unactive that that's becoming more emotions. You figured that out. This is a great progress, but that's another level of them stabilizing. Come on astic. So some of that is constantly vibrating and pulsing and holding Anchorage of it.

[01:02:56] But wherever you extend yourself in the world, that's a threat that you entered did. Anyway. You can be in the middle of whatever the central station, the biggest city on. Um, let's take a moment

[01:03:23] and all this noise is now

[01:03:28] and you can scan the context and the environment exactly right now. Or I need to go today or I need to connect was where's my place in all of this. What's my next step. And you're not so much stress, so much group of patients, so much distraction, so much trap opens because I grab with two hands. Okay. We were taught to do that.

[01:03:57] The mind she just tested it. Then you start doing that. Whoa. I didn't know what's going on. And I just, her. And then we go through this yoga retreat in the world trade. Well, sooner or later, I must've got you and go to ankle. Don't identify Krista. Who's having used different writers who is lost the fact that the say or lost tells to me that you don't know that you are the new from an aesthetic being that always was.

[01:04:31] And always Shalvey that has postured the time. And the time is prostituted viewing and around

[01:04:37] Host: June, it's almost like it add moments that's obvious and that's clear, but then at other moments I'm lost. So it's almost like this forgetting remembering kind of back and forth off

[01:04:49] Guest: all that means is that you forgot.

[01:04:50] You're not lost at all. You're right here. Yeah. You got distracted. You forgot. You've just anchored yourself. This.

[01:05:03] Host: It seems, it just seems like in this, in an urban environment in today's day and age it's it's, and this almost sounds like an excuse, but it's, it's like, like you said, there's like a quality that you develop from being able to sit in that space and, and, and be that, that in a monastery, you probably wouldn't be able to, you know, get, uh, but there's also seems to be something that a monastery offers that this kind of environment doesn't, and that's almost like a, almost like a baby feeding or a, like a, um, not that it's easy, but just like a, more of a gradual instead of just being stuck in this deep end, if that makes sense.

[01:05:47] Um, but there would be a deep end on that side as well. I'm sure.

[01:05:52] Guest: Yeah, it definitely is. You know, the monastery is in your own bedroom, Londa straight is going to sit on the bathroom. Oh, monastery, take time anywhere. Anytime. Learn to do that. Find you a quiet space. I

[01:06:05] Host: set that up wherever you are. Yeah.

[01:06:09] Guest: That's how they talked about habits. I might have it wrong creature of habit. Do you have that habit? So Rianka the test of the situation is that ultimately when you can walk through the urban context and no longer lose this, that's a tense topic. As long as things go on them on the street, stabilize another thing to hold it while you're walking them up.

[01:06:39] And you know what happens then Michael, you bring impact instead of being impacted, you bring it back. I'm not saving the world. I'm not talking about, oh, I might influence, or I might influence. I can be sensitive to influences. I can learn to defend myself from influences events, leaving a vacuum bubble.

[01:07:04] Again, who's in this hole had developed strength, self inside that this bubble. And then I can break this fellow coming out with the Corcoran and I actually vibrate into my space. I have impact and my environment. And then the meeting of my environment and me is not under my skin exam on the surface.

[01:07:26] Okay. This is happening. I meet you here.

[01:07:30] Host: Yeah. I went, I went on a recent retreat to a monastery. Actually. This is kind of maybe where this comes from. Um, or a part of it at least and spend some time. Then I found that when I came back into this setting, it was like different. It was, it was very different.

[01:07:45] And then gradually over baby, like, I don't know, five or six weeks I could see, I could actually feel, um, Like a, like a regression. It was a strange thing in my sense of presence. And, and it was just, it was quite disturbing, but it, but I feel like I landed in a place that was, I dunno, I was more present than when I left initially.

[01:08:12] Um,

[01:08:13] Guest: um, so got your next challenge is exactly this now, how do I staple lines that in the midst of the mind, in the midst of the circus and how do I make the snot gradually dissipate itself and have to achieve Montessori? Why don't downtime every single day of my life in something to reinforce and strengthen one aspect of our being.

[01:08:41] We can call it the reinforcing mental faculty. Okay. And that's true. Like that reinforcing mental practice. It wants to be this one strain. So somebody looks into, oh, you know, I look a bit way, and I might argue that ads and reinforces that back a child that the teacher says, you're the bad boy in the class.

[01:09:05] So sooner or later you that, okay, I'm the bad one. Let me be the bad boy. And you start to just act it out. You're reinforcing equity. Simply wants to reinforce, give me anything to reinforce or reinforce it. It's just like that. Okay. So if you are committed and say, I am a being with a nectar and it has substance, it can be diamond and they're consistent.

[01:09:32] And also some context it is unquestionable and his circumstances, it is the essence center thing. And then that reinforcing family says, oh, oh, okay. Um, Hey, how can I reinforce it?

[01:09:51] Host: Have you noticed a difference in actually verbalizing things into speaking to them in your mind?

[01:09:56] Guest: So yes, absolutely. Writing the number of realizing that's also what I've found quite helpful, actually teaching I don't teach because I've figured something out or I'm the master of, so yeah.

[01:10:09] Teaching and sharing

[01:10:14] Yeah. And so that's why the tradition that I'm part of we are in the bus, as always saying the student, you have to see, not student, you have to see a teacher up tomorrow because they're going to grow. If they also share with us some of their land of others and the teaching, the don't die out. If the person is just a student, I do it wrong.

[01:10:38] Teachers go home and there's nothing for students. My teams are not, there should be just a minute or one group checking my disciple one group. We're all types of your teacher, the teacher never light. So that has perpetuation of evolution of awaken. So Michael stabilize the being under all second paths.

[01:11:02] Again, that little story, some student comes to master, master satisfactory, distracted master said, look, I've got one little thing to today. Take this phone. So the spirit and the master pulls the water on it and it fills up to the point of the UCOP one window. It says per day today, but Don one drop of water.

[01:11:28] Okay. And I'll see you on me. So it goes around watching this from, excuse me, I need money arrives back muscle set of some. How was your day? What did you say today? Hi, didn't really say anything. I was, I was busy. Mount spill the water is that it will occupy. So you could not be distracted. You have not made this where I'm going to send.

[01:11:55] There's a softer side to this consciousness. You, you wrote the salt side of it, but then you, you got lost because you don't have the discipline side. Yeah. Because you know, the men have this switch on the TV screen, hail switching telephone on the morning that out step out the door, you know, what's going to happen.

[01:12:20] So how have you done your ANC right today? You know that this has to be a proactive, not a passive, otherwise pensive. You're going to have to run back and I support Montessori. Come back, mostly, come back sooner or later. Come on. Isn't this progressing? Can you take it to the next step while you sleep so that wherever you go, no matter what's around you, don't take a look who did it in so many ways that's fitted on the plate as a

[01:13:00] Oh, have more, have more, no, I never put on my plate or the nine, eight, and I will never go for a second plate. So habit and discipline.

[01:13:12] Host: Have you got any more of those that you could share?

[01:13:16] Guest: That's absolutely countless. It is interesting. Now that's, it's got to come down to the micro habits, not just thinking habits, but daily micro habits.

[01:13:27] Don't be standing up for just using food. As an example, don't bring your head to the phone. That's what animals do to put the spirit on the plate, taking that.

[01:13:44] I know it's just, just around one thing, like, Ooh. Yeah. Um, currently I I'm sorry,

[01:13:55] I don't have any performance. Sorry, what was that?

[01:14:04] Just a new robbery. Have something you're working on, let it be micro. And I caught myself many, many times. How many times I go it's okay. Let me look that up.

[01:14:22] And what happens is silences in the conversation micro small instead of okay. So, um, yeah. And okay. Yeah, no, let that be a quiet. As I was saying, do I even need to say that how many things that I'm saying that actually I don't need to say so is your conversation? Sure. It is one thing called session is another dress

[01:14:59] it's right there around, you know, some big dramatic thing, everything around her question. How you sit with your body, where are your hands? What are you doing? Remember at any time to attract it? Cause you know it, you don't have a Molly, you end up with a pen, twiddling, a pen, you twiddle something with that.

[01:15:19] And somebody hears it. Then conscious, conscious of the liquids.

[01:15:28] I'm breathing, simple practice. How many times a day did you take a conscious breath? Okay. I'm a conscious breather. I'm the, one of all the species of creatures that can consistently rate and, you know, somebody can live the whole 17 years and live and die and love at once conscious of type of breath.

[01:15:49] That's an interesting thought. And it's a, one of a few things that make us human that distinguish us from other creatures and our whole life can pass,

[01:16:04] Navi my neighbor as anchoring and that's moving and breath is expanding contracting, and I might bring my awareness there. I'm just here present simple.

[01:16:20] And I come back to them. The Navi is a very interesting navel actually is one of the ways you think are flying archives and you have to hold one kind of the strength there so that. The client is this mine and other faculty of mindlessness. Oh, I could dance so much better. If it would let me free. You caught the rope and it'll look good for awhile, but it won't be long before it crashes tree and just go, oh, what happened?

[01:16:52] Oh, I thought I could handle another drink.

[01:16:58] Uh, we always want to think we can go a little extra, but when you stay with the Navy, the Navy, the Naval point, is that why you have the handle on their own similar way? I'm just saying, well now for me, and now the answer is fine. While I'm watching that movie. Here's a little exercise. You watch a movie from the beginning, but all the way through you do this, Beth.

[01:17:32] And through that small cell collected straw and

[01:17:41] he watched the whole movie, the minute that movie's over, you won't remember a single thing that you will remember the general sense. Did you learn something in that movie? Was it a good movie? Would you recommend it you'll have that sense? It was nothing. I wouldn't never, that was okay. Yeah, you should watch it.

[01:18:01] What was it about? It's good. You should have same as the spirit got the essence of it, but you then get caught in and you just have to do that. And it's not moving with watching 10 minutes, then you're going to switch it up either. You're going to switch the breath up. Cause you enter the movie. You watched somebody sitting in front of that.

[01:18:24] Uh, not it's hanging open tongue hanging out like a dog. Nope. Hello, is anybody there? I led with my son watching them playing the video games and I showed my son a picture, which is my chance of traveling. I was on the airplane. There's an article about the need of braces and children, her front teeth come out to March.

[01:18:53] And then I was caught, close properly. And I said, one of the shutter from bloodwork is just happened is because when children are young, that they're not conscious and their mouth is shoppers. And the Trump team really really said, yeah. And sometimes they need it from a little bit like, well, actually, what'd you like, not for that to happen.

[01:19:19] I don't think I would like to look. Would you mind if I remind you? Yeah, I do cover my son, just his there and uh, seeing him and unders I called his name son, but just remember to breathe through your nose while Sanks that. And then maybe half an hour later, son, I just remember, oh, what was that doing it again?

[01:19:52] Little thing, little, little thing, but he actually, I negotiate. Hey, do you want, is it interesting? Yes, it did come out or not. Do you want to help this other one too many sweets party come back with a bag of sweeties a week and a half of them before you can get som and then evening he's like wild. And at the end we talked about it.

[01:20:16] Do you know, just in a different some when you come over, but yeah. I'm a bit out of control. Okay. Can we call that the sugar monster? It's not you. And it's what you've taken inside of you. Okay. Yeah. You, that kinda makes sense. Okay. Would you like for that? Not to be happening, I would like that. Not to be happening.

[01:20:37] What can we do? Do you have an idea? I think that I should. I should give you the bag. Oh yeah. The little cookie bag and then what, and then only get one of it. Are you sure? Cause you might. You're going to complain that one another. No, no, no, no. Please do that. Yep. I'm sure. Some months apart it's a dad himself.

[01:21:03] Hey, um, that looks so-called little. Put it on my shelf in my bedroom. Looked at, I'm just taking on today. It's a simple thing. Issue. Learn to take command of your own. And the smallest little details then the baby details. Cause that's also teaching your children how to have it themselves. You have your, you having a conversation about, I gotta have it.

[01:21:31] Right. And that's I sent him a good shaming of it. I'm not going to shit. I ain't have it. I know you're there. And I know that you started out with some good intention, but we need to go.

[01:21:48] Host: Just got two more small questions before we wrap things up. If that's okay.

[01:21:59] One's kind of similar. We were talking about micro habits and noticed in the previous interview, you mentioned that you used to have this. That was like your personal little Bible or something. And you had all these different, I don't know what you said, bits of information or quotes or, you know, wisdom that you've picked up and you just flip it open at a random page and it would help you at at times.

[01:22:26] Do you have any other things like that, that you may be open to sharing any other processes, any other little tools in your little kit, um, that have helped you in your path that you've kind of developed that might be really unique or maybe not

[01:22:46] Guest: the middle one and big one. Again, it goes micro detail. I wake up in the morning and the first thing, second thing, celebration, praise God. They in gratitude. So put my body in certain positions. So I'm already doing yoga and that kind of stuff. Stretching and going into different postures. So about, uh, an anchoring grounding them, then I'll be heading back into the body.

[01:23:19] So I can go through my entire day. Yeah. Set the table. And other people do that you buy, or somebody gives you a peasant of them, special crocodile or something like that. And you put it in a cupboard insight project. Why, why you say, why not use it, bring it out, bring out your best everyday, whatever you want.

[01:23:48] Bring it in quality because it's another thing that the habit is a substitute for quality and quantity versus quality. So look at that. I don't need a lot of clothes in my water, but I want quality. I want them to have. I have some good Taylor, all my good material. I go to tailor design, whatever it is, quality, I pay the money, but it's a quick quality it's going to last year.

[01:24:23] So that's an attitude as well. Uh, you can have a lot of little habits, but they can easily quit them too. Semi-conscious to my end, become subconscious. This is not an attitude behind that's. So that moving from just the action of budget is what's the attitude behind as well, because you have the attitude you yourself, uh, go through the salmon scan, picking an audit over in Thailand pictures on your wall.

[01:24:52] Why are these pictures here? And not just any picture picked up in a marketplace, not even a picture of the it's quite nice. If I don't want somebody gives me a good. My self I'm have life. I'll have it as if it's not something that we're going to use. I want to move it on. I don't want to send it in a box because somebody edit.

[01:25:15] I'll give it away. We put it in and we look for the and we're going to give this to who are we going to pass it on? It should be on his wall. Not mine. I don't need to put it there just to show my Naples. You'll pick up this kind of thing. Uh, giving, giving, giving, right? Or are you left? This is a really important habits.

[01:25:39] Whether it's , whether it's charity, the support, um, giving. No, because it's somebody that never gone this, uh, trans house into him, bring something to the table of child picked up on this.

[01:25:59] Um, this is this isn't. I know it's not just a habit. I know that's a little example that, um, from the live sensor to the husband that, oh, you never bring me flowers. Uh, so between Friday after the office comes in with flowers

[01:26:32] and then one day he brings a plant, she grabs a bunch of flowers with it. So you're just doing this out of the habit. Now you don't mean this. You're not, you're not making a gesture. Okay. You're just trying to keep them quiet. Cause I said, you never bring this up to see how quickly the habit becomes automatic and there's no conscious.

[01:27:01] So you can't just think of the habit. You have to think of the attitude. How do you keep that alive? That's a big chunk. How do you keep that? And so sometimes you have to have habits. Like I gave the example of culture. It's not necessarily pleasing habit. You do feel good off to us, but stepping into it, not always.

[01:27:25] So I am, this is not something that I'm recommending Saturday. I personally, when I tell them as part of my life, as it is seek, um, it has many factors to it. Cause it takes time and travel to get the material. It's not just that we'll have haptic put on and off. It's not one of those star runs that some, you see some six little black starched office hat they put on, not.

[01:27:52] Not rolling my bed, a little thing. I never have to come up. We'll take care of it, but actually keeping it loose. I have to be conscious of how I eat. Literally natural of mine is in front of me the other day and we were having soup, but then it says sharing John uncle helped me have it. Cause, cause he has a little bit of a beard and said, how'd you knock five dishes in a row, every meal.

[01:28:18] A lot of what you do is simple. You make sure that when you eat, you have this gesture. When you take your spoon, do you go on the side of the plate and, and make sure the spoon is clean and oh, okay. And it did it in the some jungle and I could see the soup. I'm going to spin. I said, no, no, keep it horizontal.

[01:28:45] And then when you take on that, do you maintain that horizontal. Oh, just a tip. You're already trying to get it in your mouth because rich cause you're eating, like I'm not like a human, it seems like obsessive, you set this habit up so that, you know, even if I end up with dementia when I might five or something that you seem to be eating your sales, same thing with this phone book and call me to my mouth.

[01:29:11] And it won't spell a single goal because when you have these habits, these habits work for your, and when you're not present enough to take care of yourself. And that's what happened is important. Not to have it wrong, but to cultivate habits that supposing this habit to crop your life, it will honor you how bit everything

[01:29:37] provide him with the way you connect with your mind, where you took care of buddy microbiome. Not obsessing everyday. The second, get up, set up some little details that I didn't think about it until they told me that 25 years ago, I should get out how to eat soup. It's not that every doubt my spoon and isn't that it's not, that would be obsessive, but you recognize it.

[01:30:07] You take care of it, a little detail and it's done, and it will carry you through your days. And you can do that with some little thing. Just take care of it, sorted out that

[01:30:25] on a major scale, checking the idea of the Bible. Holy book idea. And I do recommend it as a practice when people write journal Bible, especially that comes from. Uh, the, the word, you know, gosh, it comes from the yolk. Like when you take the, and you go gets to the car and says Anchorage, and, um, it became a whole technology practices, exercise of whatever.

[01:30:56] But then the meaning is yoke and it was a friend to them, our mind, our thinking construct, joke, ill mind to something beyond itself because when the mind is it's a Mazda, essentially a monster, it's a creature of habit and it just lives like, and when humans live like animals, we live animals because we haven't faculty who are not engaging like the breath of breather and not engaging the Brita.

[01:31:28] So when we diminish that, we don't just regress to a simple, healthy and natural distinctive, animalistic, and a human. Um, okay. So that's what we mean.

[01:31:49] so I need to cultivate me and not let it go to default yolk this mind for something higher than this up at a certain point. And I'm not saying it does. So this isn't a big thing other than this daily micro habit approach. I is that my mind is constantly a distraction, but my uncle said he wants to call it that my own mind plays its own games and how it's internalized all that stuff from childhood, et cetera.

[01:32:25] So have it, I have this, I go to my spiritual records and that could be the such as a book and it could be

[01:32:36] it could be some other . But if a fish around, it's still the mind games and I'm shopping, I enjoy it. I enjoy surfing Australia. I enjoy it. But as I've studied a deep ag journalism, but there's one where I rest my head, the rest of my mind, I try and to think like I'm good at things so that the thing has written on it.

[01:33:03] Things as I put my mind there, if I have any doubts or questions, my reference would be

[01:33:10] Host: I'm good at, can I pause you for one moment?

[01:33:14] Guest: Yeah.

[01:33:18] Host: Um, hi, I'm finding this one difficult to get around because I can, it seems like one doesn't have all the answers. And it seems as though I kind of been looking at even you as an example, like teachers from afar and all these different kinds of ways. That that sinks in and I'm able to absorb from, from different sources and teachings.

[01:33:43] And it seems like just sticking to one, I find, I find difficulty in that and even finding one that's worthy of sticking to that. I mean, not that they all wouldn't be, but you know what I mean? Like the right fit.

[01:33:59] Guest: I asked myself, shall I share this or not exactly? I said, this is a big one. Now let me say it in several ways.

[01:34:13] It seemed to the being angry. How many to focus attention and there's yoga sessions. It says two to calm the mind on this concentration. If I concentrate on something else tomorrow, I don't actually go to the deep concentrated. I don't come to lot of. To live so stable. It's the diamond and crush everything.

[01:34:42] You come to that stabilization itself, wildly being giant. When you references as my mind does window shopping. Oh, today I feel like I listen to that still. My mind is still the nostril, so I actually don't actually have discipline themselves and I want to become oneness. So not the friend mentioned itself.

[01:35:09] If you want an assessor who can take the belt on the wall, but don't grind over each day, reading whatever you want to listen to. Any teacher you want to and go to any workshop every day syndrome, focus, not change the focus. That's your focus. And you will come into.

[01:35:35] You really do, did you, that was as a choppy for you, this fragmented into the youth against loss. Why are you a much more fragmented? Audit is worried about your mother. She's in one hospital. Audit is busy with something else and you're pregnant. And then you realize lost again and you go to a monastery, you regroup, you stop your occupation, preoccupation destruction, and then you hold for a while and I have to go again and then gradually, gradually over the weeks you're out there.

[01:36:08] And again, you do not have Anchorage.

[01:36:18] It's not coming from one tradition. The need of spiritual Anchorage, Anchorage. This is not a saying, I don't believe that I'm moving. I don't read the. It's very interesting. There's one place. I just can't say, as in a question of exploring, I dispute that I will even quoted or quote Jesus. I'll quick as one that I go to where I say, I have no questions.

[01:36:50] I do guiding all star my north star through which I will navigate through the time, these days, this lifetime. And I take that one and I follow this stop today that stopped tomorrow. Here's a ship lost in the ocean and that's what we are. And a lot of people in the spiritual marketplace, I'm sorry to have to say it, but the spiritual marketplace is not much different from the shopping mall.

[01:37:16] A lot of luck. Come here, come here, buy this people chasing around and running around falling one today, another pop star tomorrow. I don't move the start here. Another spiritual style. There's a window. Shocking. All of it grabs sensationalism of a gong bath here have a permit that had it all, but fundamentally it's still who you are.

[01:37:40] Who's shopping around. Who's having all this sensationalism and you didn't find you.

[01:37:47] Host: It seems like another trap coming back to where we began.

[01:37:52] Guest: So today, so that's the paradox. I chopped myself at my good to be free of all jobs. I call myself nothing else hosting. Yeah, because I'm a creature that sucked anyway, I'm in a world of traps.

[01:38:13] If I don't anchor to this, I'll hold on to my cigarette. I'm going to hold onto my model, my model. And then I'll hold my girlfriend's hand. I'm going to hold something. Well, we do married the day divorce tomorrow, this truck today, another trip to Paris the next week. And then this one, another one, try this, try that we're running around and know that.

[01:38:36] And everybody wonders why they've done one celebrity or why did they get lost? Because nobody anchors. So I say, no, this is the best. Not at all. I'm not selling it to anybody. I say for me, this is as good as it gets. No different, better, worse than any. I could, I could have been something else, but I'd say it's as good as it gets.

[01:38:59] Stop running around. Stop searching, sit down, shut up, and listen, and align myself to this star and see what happens. And I'm navigating through the life so far.

[01:39:17] It's not disputing. I'm not competing with them. Been marketing down. Anybody's teaching practice, Dharma, whatever. I'm simply highlighting the dynamic that the technology of Anchorage I want to, I can meet is the powder. I need to anchor there to anchor to me. I step that's my red dock. I choose one point as I will sit here then.

[01:39:46] Yes. Enjoy the view. Enjoy the movie. But a movie, Chris Shannon movie, all the movers said come party. No, because I've got one hand tied here and this hand can only reach so far. I can turn the page. I can listen. I can check the hand exchange is a little bit flappy. It's like calm John. No, because this. My mom has changed as with my reference and,

[01:40:21] and it's incredible. The strength of self that comes from that. This simple thing that people are lacking is discipline. Whether it's discipline around food or a dresser on your posture and the breathing, right? The thinking around your communication with other people around how you there, which I have gone discipline to, to spend time in that discipline discipline means you're having to decide.

[01:40:46] You will have decided route one. Is this in my mind as a disciple of the alignment? I think like what does the Christian

[01:41:04] What is the question? So does that long process for them? Hello? What was your.

[01:41:16] what does it put? Its compassion to all I'm sorry to say was in say Lanka. Well, you know, they have this wall with the talents. I never saw such goodness. So I went to put to the temple and I have a joke on the side. You can't come in with, at that time I had covered, I said, look, you got two statues outside the door with template with Buddha.

[01:41:49] I mean, so what's the problem and that, uh, only,

[01:41:58] and this is your problem. You are not allowing yourself that you can be put into

[01:42:07] no. Me.

[01:42:16] It's not a reference. And could you say you're a Buddhist because you're born in this country, but then you deny Elsa crisis. Can you remember what is inside? But anybody who goes in just as I find God in me, I love the divine lesson. I'll say that. And the teacher in the church, the single cell song, isn't it.

[01:42:39] That you go on a chat start shining. God has spoken to me and I'm shining bright light. I got shut out. Shut up, shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

[01:42:52] What's going on here? Spiritual circuits

[01:42:59] question. Should we request, but I shouldn't be as bad at all. But I didn't spend as a whole life in a monastery and got married.

[01:43:11] I lived lived if I have to sitting under this tree realized, can I keep my tree, my spine while living in the life? Because otherwise this is not authentic

[01:43:24] all along to go to nature that if good is not your anchor, you can go in and join the monastery for a while, but you're not going to hold on to it because you have not committed yourself. Mind olden star is put on and then every circumstances, and I go about my life, I will call that I put in a pitch on why they say, can we put on their own kilometer?

[01:43:45] That means become that as you're not good at there's no better agenda. There's no price.

[01:43:58] That's a whole other dimension aligning. And that you can move it. The, uh, the laser, this engineer, I'm not trying to sell it on there, but I'm just understand the dynamic so much.

[01:44:17] Host: Oh, complete anything. I appreciate everything that you've shared today. Um, I had one more question, but I'm kind of going to save it and hope that we have another encounter at some point in the future.

[01:44:30] And I know we're quite over time. Um, and yeah, I just wanted to say thank you. And it has been great. Yeah. It's been really nice. It's been really, really nice.

[01:44:46] Guest: Okay. So maybe it's some kind of.

[01:44:51] Host: Thank you for tuning into this conversation today, I'm going to leave links to Schiff, Sharon Singh's work and how you can connect and get in touch if you feel called to do so. Also, if you'd like to deepen your connection with the show, if you're finding some value in these conversations and you want to take things to the next level, then please consider joining the today dream of family.

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[01:46:28] And I will catch you in the next episode where we will further look to develop and cultivate our practice of presence through exploring different perspectives of people that are also doing the same thing.
